Official Statement on false claims made by fox4, Sean at fox4, and the douglas county sheriff’s department

official statement

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Recently, there was a false news story posted about us on fox4kc, and false information posted on an account of the Douglas county sheriff department about our Kansas event. If you actually read our “How It Works” page on our website it gives you information about where we physically hold events. Appearntly local news and police suck at their jobs, or as other news articles on the internet claim, they’re just corrupt. We were contacted by multiple individuals about the event because sky lanterns are banned in that county, which is one reason we chose land in another area of the state. We first responded to someone from the tourism board or fire department through our live chat and let them know our event isn’t held in their county, and if they read our “how it works” page it will give them more information. 

when one doesn’t understand language just ignore it.

We then received a message from the office of “code enforcement” stating to just let them know if it would be held out of douglas county and information about their code on sky lanterns. Totally understand even though whomever in the tourism board or fire department didn’t pass the information on, ok. So we sent a reply letting Mr Harris know that the event is out of Douglas County, but within reasonable driving distance to travel for an event, and we received an automated response from his office stating our message was received. Ok it should be handled, we’ve now told two individuals it’s not within their county, should be handled, you would think.

Fox News wins award for worst actor portraying a journalist. 

After getting notification that Harris received our response you would think we could go on with work….nope. We received another message from a news person from the onion, I mean Fox4 news, Sean was asking for an interview over a false post on the county sheriffs page, one using a lights fest term calling us “light the world” which we only hold events in America so, kinda can’t light the world. However, the sheriffs account falsely claims we were holding a non permitted event in their county. FALSE! Im just guessing but, scratches head, I don’t think we get a permit to hold our event that isn’t in douglas county from a county we’re not in. So we responded to the onions Sean, I mean fox4’s Sean, and let him know that “As we have already told multiple individuals in different offices there within Douglas county, our event isn’t held within Douglas county, it’s open to residents of the entire state, including residents of Douglas county. With all the news articles of police and city corruption in Douglas county we would never hold an event there until local corruption is cleaned up. Also, before falsely linking us to there lds mormon ran lantern festival companies that are our competitors, we have no connection to them. Please don’t be fake media and twist our response as we will be posting this email and our response for all to see. Ok response sent, so Sean had his official company statement clearing up the false claims made by the sheriffs account. Should be done right? Wrongo, he pretends he didn’t get the email and sends another one, so we respond for the second time “Since you claim to have not received our first response to your email, here it is for the second time” and then pasted our previous response. Ok, should be handled and cleared up now right? Nope! Sean does what he’s obviously horrible at but does it anyway with no regard for honesty. He didn’t twist our response, he just completely lied and pretended he didn’t get a response, to show how much more unethical, he purposely said we didn’t respond on social media, lacking to admit we sent two direct email messages to him through email. He also purposely used social media because the day before we posted that we would no longer be opening or responding to messages through instagram due to the 2nd attempted hack of our account into a company phone to access and then crash it. 

We can see why there are so many articles about corruption with the police department there. They released a false claim that had already been addressed and cleared up with Harris in code enforcement, and the tourism board. The sheriff’s office DID NOT REACH OUT TO US, but posted a false claim without real facts. It’s no wonder there are so many articles about corruption. Why didn’t these individuals let each other know? Who called them?

We can guess who, our competitors, most likely night lights, as last year they ran a scam under their previous business name “the lantern fest” with a bogus date the same day as one of our events in another close state, their scam event drew in people away from ours. But what do you expect from mormon cult followers? 

It’s very disappointing to see that local corruption there is still a big thing. As someone with family in law enforcement and homeland security, that is not how a police department should run.


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